Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Children's Book Sale

For those of you in the U.C.M. area, whether you live in town or commute, the Corner Bookstore (Holden and North Streets) is having a children's book sale. Picture books, chapter books, and young adult novels are buy two, get two free.

Even better, if you bring in books to trade (cook books, romance, mystery, fantasy, etc.), you then have the option of paying $3.00 for the first book and a percentage of the remaining books is deducted from your balance. I have walked out of there with ten hardback books for $3.23

They are overflowing with Children's Books, there are even more in the back hallway, just ask to see them! I saw great copies of Madeline L'Engle's Wrinkle In Time series as well as books by Betsy Byars, Suzy Kline, Jerry Spinelli, and many more.

So check out one of my favorite spots in town, the Corner Bookstore! They are open from 10 am till 5:30 pm Monday through Friday and from 10:00 am till 3:00 pm on Saturdays. With all the construction on Holden these days it is best to enter the parking lot from North Street. This sale will be going on till the end of July. It will continue into August if they still need to move more books!


Welcome to the Galactic Apple Blog. This will be a sister site to the Galactic Apple that will eventually be hosted by the University of Central Missouri. This blog will help me to keep in touch with both pre-service and in-service teachers. I will use this blog in many ways: to announce new games, teacher tools, and other goodies as they are posted to the Galactic Apple, to rant, as I see fit, on the state of education today, and to post items of note (e.g. sales at Hobby Lobby!).

Enjoy! I hope you find this blog useful, helpful, informative, and fun!