Thursday, December 20, 2007
Science Beliefs Quiz
As many of you know, I have spent several years researching misconceptions in earth science. I one day hope to actually put this information into dissertation form, but I digress. The other day I was reading an article about the Science Beliefs Quiz available online. I had to check it out! The Science Beliefs Quiz is a 44 question, true-false quiz over a variety of science topics from biology to earth science. If you have about 45 minutes to spend I strongly suggest visiting the Science Beliefs Quiz. Use it to evaluate your understandings and beliefs about various topics. Use it to find areas you need to improve in. Use it to find areas that interest or excite you. But please don't use it to beat yourself up.
I'd love to hear how you do on the Science Beliefs Quiz. So drop me a line via the comments and share! Yes, you can remain anonymous!
Happy testing! And remember Science Rules!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Chutes & Ladders

Britain has Snakes and Ladders which is pretty much the same. Perhaps Americans thought the snakes were too scary! Ha! Check the BBC Schools website for a Shockwave version of this game. Orion and I have stopped using the spinner with this game. We use several of the modifications that I’ve mentioned under Sorry!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Candy Land

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Beth's Rock Collection

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Mary Jane Auch

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Z for Zachariah

Saturday, September 8, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Ice Cream Coup!

Have A Ball!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Lunar Eclipse Photo


Saturday, August 25, 2007
Lunar Eclipse
This event needs no special instructions or equipment for viewing. Just take a walk outside and look up! If you plan to spend some time watching the changes, bring a lawn chair, a beverage, and some insect repellent. Have fun! Let me know what you see!
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hey, this is the royal game of India. Tree, that’s my sister, and I had a very old copy of this game. We didn’t have the instructions or all of the pieces. This didn’t stop us from enjoying the game. Parcheesi is very much like Sorry! in that you have to move several pawns around the board from start to home. Orion just recently acquired the version pictured above. He loves it because the markers are animals (The elephants are his favorite!). Try the modifications mentioned for Sorry! to alter Parcheesi.
Ludo is a simplified version of this game and is available at the Dollar Tree! Yes, that’s right, for a dollar!
Friday, August 17, 2007
It's Alive!
Click on the Galactic Apple graphic to your right to go directly to the website! There you will find math games, literacy activities, and more! Check it out! I'll see you there!
Thursday, August 16, 2007

This has got to be one of my all time favorite games. I remember spending hours (I mean hours!) on snow days playing this game with my sister. Now I have the pleasure of sharing this game with my son, Orion. We’ve been playing this game since Orion was about four or five years old. Of course we’ve had to modify it for MY short attention span, not his.
As you may recall, a player must draw a 1 or a 2 Sorry! card in order to start a pawn around the board. This can take an eternity. These are some of the modifications that Orion and I have made over the past several years. We still love Sorry! and we have a great time playing.
1. Use only two pawns instead of four. Yes, another ploy to shorten the game!
2. Use dice instead of cards. Allow a player to move on any roll of the dice. Start with one die.
3. When your child has the hang of one to one correspondence and an understanding of the numbers one through six, try “Double Sorry!” Double the number on the die! Watch the game go by quickly!
4. Use several dice. Use the sum of the dice to indicate the number of spaces the player may move.
5. “Product Sorry!” Dare we try this? Use the product of two (or three) dice to indicate the number of spaces the player may move. We’ve not yet made it this far, but I bet the game zooms!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Board Game Savers

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Perseid Meteor Shower

It's not to late to view the Perseid Meteor Shower! While the peak (50 -60 an hour) was Sunday Evening/Monday Morning (August 12/13) we will be able to see meteors for the next several days, although the frequency will diminish as the week progresses. The moon sets early, leaving us with dark skies. Despite the darkness, I was disappointed on Sunday/Monday as it was very hazy over the 'Burg. Now if the temperatures and haze would just cooperate, we might be able to catch a few before next year! Good luck viewing. Let me know what you see! The Orionids will be coming up in October!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
The Ultimate Book on Math Games

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Treasury of Family Games

This book has it all! Forgot how to play Monopoly? Wish you could remember how to play Slap Jack? Are you arguing over the rules for Hearts with your best friend? This book has over 250 pages of games, games, and more games! I was excited to discover directions for old favorites: Gin Rummy, Checkers, and Concentration. I was intrigued to find new games that would be great additions to any math classroom: Go, Hex, and Alquerque.
Check out the Reader's Digest Treasury of Family Games by Jim Glenn and Carey Denton (ISBN 0-7621-0431-7) at your local library and see what games you can add to your classroom repertoire.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Children's Book Sale
Even better, if you bring in books to trade (cook books, romance, mystery, fantasy, etc.), you then have the option of paying $3.00 for the first book and a percentage of the remaining books is deducted from your balance. I have walked out of there with ten hardback books for $3.23
They are overflowing with Children's Books, there are even more in the back hallway, just ask to see them! I saw great copies of Madeline L'Engle's Wrinkle In Time series as well as books by Betsy Byars, Suzy Kline, Jerry Spinelli, and many more.
So check out one of my favorite spots in town, the Corner Bookstore! They are open from 10 am till 5:30 pm Monday through Friday and from 10:00 am till 3:00 pm on Saturdays. With all the construction on Holden these days it is best to enter the parking lot from North Street. This sale will be going on till the end of July. It will continue into August if they still need to move more books!
Enjoy! I hope you find this blog useful, helpful, informative, and fun!