Okay, I love plastic. Especially in the classroom. It's durable, recyclable, and best of all washable (Warm soapy water with a dash of bleach will save us all from certain, viral death!). I also love board games!
With that said, how many times have I found myself taping together game boxes that have given up the fight? As a child I remember spiriting away coveted (but useless in this case) Scotch tape to try and fix the boxes of games like Payday, Battleship, and Life. Now I tape the boxes (focusing on corners!) with shipping tape as soon as we get them! Well, I was reading in my Real Simple magazine about these awesome game containers and I had to check them out for myself! 

These game containers can be found at The Container Store (Were they thinking of me when they created this store?). Search for "game saver" to view the specs on these nifty, plastic boxes. They run between $13 and $15! Expensive, to be sure! But priceless if they're protecting your favorite and most treasured board game!
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